Mobile Review Video Podcast#1-T-Mobile Shadow Unboxing

Hello everyone!  Today we have for you the very first Mobile Review Video Podcast!  Today we unbox the T-Mobile Shadow, and give a quick rundown of the deivce and the package contents.  Please note that the video was sped up by YouTube for some reason, so my hands do indeed not match the words, but it does get the point across!  Enjoy!

Youtube Spotlight of the Week:garmo1968

Youtube Spotlight of the Week is a new weekly post that I am starting about someone cool that I have discovered during the week on YouTube.  This week happens to be about garmo1968.  He is a YouTuber that has a real gift for being able to be professional in his videos, while being openly funny at the same time.  Right now he is working on a few video game walkthroughs, most notably Spyro The Dragon 2:Riptos Rage on the Playstation One.

The best thing about his videos though, in my opinion, is his singing.  Thats right.  Singing.  At certain parts during his Sonic Adventure walkthrough, he will improvise complete levels worth of words to the tune of the background music, and believe me when I tell you, it is HILARIOUS.  Just great I tell yah.  Recurring guests on his videos include what I like to call The Condesending Text and the Fail Counter.  These are really golden videos, and are well worth the watch.

Below is one of the funnier sections from the Sonic Adventure playthrough, and yes, it does feature singing!